
Enthusiasm, Part 5

93 English songs from Christmas/New Year 2002-2003, published on 2003-01-04

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
The Day I Do Not Meditate 1 S
The Day I Do Not Pray 2 S
The Day I Doubt My Lord Supreme 3 S
The Day I Doubt Myself 4 S
The Day I Do Not Care for the World 5 S
The Day I Love Not, Serve Not, the World 6 S
The Day I Lose Faith in Myself 7 S
The Day I Love Not My Lord Supreme Only 8 S
The Day I Speak Ill of Others 9 S
The Day My Mind Is Empty of Thought 10 S
The Day I Can Please My Lord Supreme 11 S
May My Love of God 12 S
May I Find Myself Every Day 13 S
My Heart-Beauty and My Soul-Fragrance 14 S
The Outer Education 15 S
Each Seeker Is an Unhorizoned Dream (1) 16 S
The Heart of a Real God-Seeker 17 S
A True Seeker Spends All His Time 18 S
God Has Opened My Eyes 19 S
All My Problems 20 S
Keep Aside Life-Destruction-Knife 21 S
My Heart, I Am Watchful 22 S
The Oldest Life upon Earth 23 S
Let Me Begin 24 S
My Wisdom-Light 25 S
New Year Comes; Old Year Goes 26 S
Aspiration Wants to Go Up 27 S A
Dedication Wants to Go Around 28 S
My Body Sleeps and My Vital Wanders 29 S
My Mind Doubts and My Heart Dreams 30 S
My Soul Flies and Flies 31 S
My God Whispers and Whispers 32 S
All That Lives (1) 33 S
One Forgiveness-Prayer-Tear (1) 34 S
My Thought Can Be Displeased with God (1) 35 S
When I Talk to God (1) 36 S
My Hope-Heart Starts (1) 37 S
My Self-Transcendence Is Blessed 38 S
The Tears of My Heart (1) 39 S
I Love My Soul-Commands (1) 40 S
I Love My Heart-Whispers 41 S
My Lord’s Feet Beckon (1) 42 S
My Lord’s Heart Beckons (1) 43 S
My Hope-Heart-Bloom (1) 44 S
My Promise-Soul-Blossom (1) 45 S
No Streaming Heart-Tears 46 S
The Self-Mastery-Education 47 S
I Always Approach My Lord Beloved Supreme 48 S
Life Has No Dead End 49 S
My Lord’s Compassion-Concern-Heart-Door 50 S
God’s Desire and My Desire 51 S
Nothingness and Infinity 52 S
To My Greatest Surprise 53 S
Alas, We All Are in Love 54 S
Death the Finite 55 S
One Forgiveness-Prayer-Tear (2) 56 S
My Thought Can Be Displeased with God (2) 57 S
When I Talk to God (2) 58 S
All That Lives (2) 59 S
My Hope-Heart Starts (2) 60 S
The Tears of My Heart (2) 61 S
My Lord’s Feet Beckon (2) 62 S
My Lord’s Heart Beckons (2) 63 S
My Hope-Heart-Bloom (2) 64 S
My Promise-Soul-Blossom (2) 65 S
I Love My Soul-Commands (2) 66 S
I love My Heart-Whispers 67 S
I Know, I Know, My Heart-Tears for God 68 S
O My Mind-Doubts 69 S
O My Heart-Fears 70 S
O My Life-Weaknesses 71 S
My Lord, Your Flute Has Stolen 72 S
My Child, Your Songs Have Stolen 73 S
God’s Choice Hour Has Struck 74 S
This Morning My Lord Said to Me 75 S
Morning Begins 76 S
When My Mind Thinks of God 77 S
When My Heart Prays to God 78 S
All Your Burdens 79 S
In the Morning I Sing 80 S
In the Evening I Sing 81 S
The Unaspiring Mind-Land 82 S
Unconditional God-Surrender-Seekers 83 S
Nobody Can Ever Dare 84 S
My Outer Journey Feeds My Eyes 85 S
My Lord Begs Me 86 S
I Fear Nothing 87 S
Man Is Man’s God-Forgetfulness 88 S
My Lord Is Asking Me 89 S
May My Lord’s Eye Awaken Me 90 S
God Appoints My Life 91 S
Destroy I Must 92 S
I Shall Not Retire 93 S

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