
Paradise is Where I Bend My Knees

160 English songs from the 1990’s, published on 2008-08-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
I Pray, I Pray 1 S
I Love You, My Lord 2 S
My Aspiration-Heart’s Peace-Sun 3 S
Goodness Is Peace-Drop 4 S
The Eye of Peace Is Microscopic 5 S
Peace Is in God-Quest 6 S
Peace I Did Not Find 7 S
Peace is Not in Occult Wildfire 8 S
God’s Eye Frightens Me With its infinite Justice-Power. 9 S
My Mind’s Happiness-Sun 10 S
No Peace in My Mind’s God-Emptiness 11 S
My Peace-Empty Mind 12 S
My Peace 13 S
My Prayer-Life Tells Me 14 S
When I Pray, My Lord Gives Me a Mind 15 S
Each Time I Lose a Pound 16 S
The Caged Bird 17 S
O Heaven, Be Not Cruel to Me 18 S
As Critics Are Ready-Made 19 S
Alas, I Can Clearly See 20 S
To My Extreme Joy 21 S
Enter We Must 22 S
New Year’s Message for 1996 23 S
My Searching Mind 24 S
Today My Crying Heart Shall Love God Only 25 S
Today My Smiling Life Shall Serve God 26 S
Today I Shall Become 27 S
Today I Shall Increase My God-Hunger 28 S
Today I Shall Concentrate 29 S
A God-Victory-Song 30 S
Today I Must Conquer All My Enemies 31 S
Today God Has Decided to Hear from Me 32 S
Today I Am Seeing God and Peace 33 S
Today God Has Blessingfully Promised 34 S
Fifty Telephone Numbers by Heart 35 S
Ganapati, Madal, Chinmoy 36 S
Aspiration-Comrade-Souls 37 S
Two God-Amusement-Rivals 38 S
All Great Men 40 S
No Friendship Lasts 41 S
My Thought Human Cries 42 S
When I Go Out, My Mind Provokes 43 S
Compassion Is God in Action 44 S
Humility’s Real Name 45 S
The Human in Me Knows No Future 46 S
My Lord Gave Me His Beauty’s Eye 47 S
My Mind-Train 48 S
My Hands Are Made By My Mind 49 S
My Home Is My School 50 S
Man Gives Me Scars 51 S
In the Morning I Am Thirsty 52 S
Happiness-Circle-Flames 53 S
Smile, My Heart, Smile 54 S
God Is Fond of Me 55 S
My Age Is My Childhood 56 S
My Heart and I Are So Excited 57 S
Deep I Dive 58 S
How Can I Be Perfect? 59 S
I Go Out to Get What I Want 60 S
When I Go Out, I Am Nowhere 61 S
The Carpenter’s Human Son 62 S
I Go Out to See the Face of God (1) 63 S
I Go Out to Buy the World 64 S
Columbus Went Out 65 S
When I Go Out 66 S
If I Love You Just Because You Love Me 67 S
My Mind, My Mind, No More Roam 68 S
New Year’s Message for 1998 69 S
Who Is My Best Friend, Who? 70 S
Smile, My Soul, Smile 71 S
My Lord Beloved Supreme With Every Breath of My Heart 72 S
I Am Flying and Flying (1) 73 S
I Am Flying and Flying (2) 74 S
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees 75 S
God Tells Me That Ultimately Nobody will Fail 76 S
God Tells Me That He Is Giving Me 77 S
A Rising Sun 78 S
Your Mind Can't Come To God's Country Without Crossing 79 S
Each Divine Thought 80 S
My Aspiration-Heart-Room 81 S
Each Aspiring Moment 82 S
Before Leaving Try Loving 83 S
My Soul Tells Me 84 S
Insolent Disobedience 85 S
Pride Says to God 86 S
When You Give an Inch 87 S
Prayers and Meditations 88 S
My Lord, Your Beauty-Songs I Sing 89 S
O, Here I Come and There I Go 90 S
India’s Peace-Service-Tree 91 S
O Light of Asia 92 S
I Am a Peace-Collecting Pilgrim-Soul (1) 93 S
I Am Your Slave 94 S
Sail My Heartbeat, Sail 95 S
Every Soul Is a God-Right-Hand-Man 96 S
My Newness-Mind-Tears 97 S
Away My Beloved Flies 98 S A
My Mind Complains 99 S
Mine Is a Birthless and Deathless Dream 100 S
Whom I Seek 101 S
Oh, What I Have and What I Am 102 S
Paradise 103 S
My Dear Lord 104 S
To Be a Chosen Child 105 S
My Poetry Tells Me 106 S
God’s Chosen Children Came to Teach 107 S
My Lord, Give Me Not Your Compromise-Poison 108 S
My Future 109 S
New Year’s Message for 1999 110 S
O, in the Year Nine Nine Nine Nine 111 S
I Am an Orphan 112 S
Fat Is No Good 113 S
My Success-Life Painfully Dies 114 S
How Can I Ever Become Perfect? 115 S
To See My Supreme Lord’s Nectar-Flooded Face 116 S
I Came to Be a Climbing Flame 117 S
Mountain-High Aspiration 118 S
I Do Not Have to Know 119 S
No Doom 120 S
Within, Without, Nectar-Delight 121 S
Fulfil My Blue-Gold Dreams 122 S
Swim, Swim Once More 123 S
My Heart Is My Only Spokesman 124 S
Helpless, Hopeless, Homeless 125 S
I Am My Heart’s Gratitude 126 S
My Master Supreme 127 S
I Serve My Master Lord 128 S
Do Not Blame God 129 S
My Smiles Are My Mind-Purifiers 130 S
O Seeker, Be Not Blind 131 S
O Seeker, Never Be a Fool 132 S
O Seeker, Be Not Proud 133 S
O Seeker 134 S
Love, Service and Surrender-Thrill 135 S
No, Not for Name 136 S
I Know Not How to Smile 137 S
Tell the Truth 138 S
I Must Love Only a God-Hero 139 S
To Welcome My Sweet Supreme’s Feet 140 S
Volunteer Before You Are Drafted 141 S
I Surprise God 142 S
Without Ego-Effacement 143 S
Without Pride-Annihilation 144 S
Life Is Not Meant for the Wild Dispute 145 S
The Mind’s Supremacy 146 S
My Human Life and Death 147 S
May Day By Day 148 S
The Blackboard of My Past 149 S
No More I Am Held Hostage 150 S
Finally, I Have Shut Down 151 S
My Heart Is Quick to Cry and Fly 152 S
May My Life-Chimes 153 S
My Lord, My Lord, How Do I Dare? 154 S
O, Never Miss 155 S
As Wind and Water Fly and Flow 156 S
God Loves My Hide-And-Seek Tears 157 S
A New Life 158 S
My Lord Commands, “Come here" 159 S
My Lord’s Dance-Steps 160 S

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