
I Think of You, God

Composed on Mar. 8th, 2005


I think of You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I pray to You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I meditate on You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I love You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I serve You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I surrender to You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I am all gratitude to You, God.
God says to me,
“No good, no good.”I claim You, God, as my own, very own.
God, You claim me as Your Own, very Own.
God says to me, “Good, good, very good,
My child, My child.”

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