
Enthusiasm, Part 4

90 English songs from Christmas/New Year 2001-2002, published on 2002-08-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
My Heart Chooses to Cry 1 S A
My Heart Chooses to Inform 2 S A
There Is Only One Truth 3 S A
No Doubt-Clouds 4 S A
The Mind, Heart-Bliss Plunders 5 S A
My Heart-Boat Plies and Plies 6 S A
Those Who Admire the Lord 7 S A
Be Humble 8 S A
When God Is My Only Boss 9 S A
Every Moment Correct My Life 10 S A
Come on the Wings of Love 11 S A
My Love, Devotion Are Fast Asleep 12 S A
My Life Is All for God 13 S A
Stay Within 14 S A
My Stupid Mind, Think Less 15 S A
On Earth, No Heaven Rules Are Heeded 16 S A
Ring God’s Victory-Bell 17 S A
Stung by Doubt-Scorpion 18 S A
My Lord, Give Me a Jasmine-Fragrance-Heart 19 S A
Actions Never Lie 20 S A
Hope Is Sweetness 21 S A
Peace Is Self-Offering in Action 22 S A
Beautiful Are the Heart-Tears 23 S A
Powerful Are the Soul-Smiles 24 S A
Fruitful Are the Life-Sacrifices 25 S A
Giving Is Not an Obligation 26 S A
Death Can at Most Find Us 27 S A
God Does Not Want from Me Email 28 S A
To Become Spiritually Tall 29 S A
The Human in Me 30 S A
God Says, “Go!” 31 S A
God Says, “Come!” 32 S A
My Mind, Indeed, a Czar 33 S A
My Mind Speculates and Speculates 34 S A
Negativity Paralyses and Paralyses 35 S A
To Please My Lord 36 S A
I Shake and Wake My Lethargy-Life 37 S A
The Truth of the Heart 38 S A
The Mind Blunders and Blunders 39 S A
The Body Cries and Cries 40 S A
Mine Is the Mind Full of Inspiration-Zeal 41 S A
My Life Is a Verb 42 S A
The Joy of Speed 43 S A
My Life Is His 44 S A
My Prayer-Heart to God 45 S A
My Lord Gives Me the Smartest Slap 46 S A
Jealousy-Trap 47 S A
Doubt and I Each Other Clasp 48 S A
Ignorance-Nap 49 S A
Indifference-Cap 50 S A
Each Hush-Gap 51 S A
Falsehood-Chains 52 S A
His Heart’s Big Map 53 S A
My Mind Loves to Enjoy Mysteries 54 S A
The Mind Secretly Loves Pretension 55 S A
God Is My Only Friend 56 S A
Alas, My Heart Is Full of Sorrows 57 S A
I Live No More in My Mind-Mire 58 S A
My Supreme Loses His Voice 59 S A
My Mind-Fulfilment Eventually Sighs 60 S A
Optimism 61 S A
Optimism-Joy 62 S A
Only the Top 63 S A
Moonlight and Starlight Whisper 64 S A
A Shakpura Village Boy 65 S A
My Lord, You Are My Only Quest 66 S A
Whatever My Life Possesses 67 S A
When I Enjoy Ignorance-Sleep 68 S A
God Gives Me Ample Rest 69 S A
A Simple Cry 70 S A
My Heart’s Inner Choice 71 S A
I Sing My Heart’s God-Song 72 S A
The Mind Knows How to Chide 73 S
A God-Seeker’s Pure Breath 74 S
The Heart Has Another Name: Aspiration 75 S
The Heart Has Another Name: Oneness 76 S
At Last, at the Very Peak 77 S A
O Friendship-Flower 78 S
Come What May (1) 79 S
No Dead End 80 S
My Lord Gives Me a New Lesson 81 S
God Is Not an Iron Rod 82 S
Meditation: My God-Preparation 83 S
No Prayer 84 S
No Meditation 85 S
Sound Is Man-Cheering 86 S
Life-River Flows 87 S
Life Is a Thunder-Gong 88 S
My Life-Story Is Painful 89 S
The Absence of Selfishness 90 S

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