
Enthusiasm, Part 11

English songs from March 2006 to February 2007, published on 2008-04-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Morning Is the Best Time 1 S
I Was Born to Be Good 2 S
Be Not Afraid 3 S
I Am a Thunder-Whisper-God-Singer-Joy 4 S
Nineteen Thirty-One 5 S
Be a Self-Giving Life 6 S
May My Heart Be a Nest 7 S
Divine Hero 8 S
Be the Heart of God-Compassion 9 S
Forty-Two Years Ago 10 S
My Love of God Is My Only Religion 11 S
The Tears of My Heart (3) 12 S
O My Blue-Gold Heart-Bird 13 S
My Supreme, Your Victory 14 S
I Love My Lord’s Whisper-Blessings 15 S
Heaven’s Silence-Music 16 S
In My Aspiration-Life 17 S
My Lord, I Like Your Sweet Requests 18 S
The Human in Me Loves God (1) 19 S
Only One Attachment 20 S
My Lord, I Run and Run and Run 21 S
The Human Father 22 S
A Bengali Village-Heart 23 S
The Outer Rain 24 S
Truth-Telling People I Love 25 S
I Always Keep Wide Open 26 S
Time Does Not Believe In A Slow Pace 27 S
If You Want to Open God’s Heart-Door 28 S
The Mind, the Vital and the Body 29 S
The Soul, the Heart and the Breath 30 S
The Earth-Founder 31 S
I Am Nobody 32 S
I Am Loved by My Sweet Children Deeply 33 S
The Champion of Champions Am I 34 S
In the World’s Longest, Bravest Distance Run 35 S
I Am the World’s Longest Distance Daring and Shattering Runner 36 S
God’s Blessingful Concern 37 S
I Sail and Sail and Sail 38 S
Be Bold! 39 S
Gently, Kindly, Smilingly 40 S
Self-Offering and God-Becoming 41 S
From High Heaven 42 S
I Have Made My Life ‘Round-the-Clock’ 43 S
My Lord’s Morning Calls 44 S
My Aspiration-Heart and God’s Compassion-Eye 45 S
Come What May (2) 46 S
To Love God Unconditionally 47 S
Punctuality in Spirituality 48 S
May My Heart Be 49 S
My Tears and Smiles 50 S T
My Joy Is in Loving God 51 S
The Tears of My Heart and the Smiles of God’s Eye 52 S
My Heart Is God’s Home 53 S
I Love God’s Feet 54 S
My Prayers and Meditations 55 S
I Must Dive Deep Within 56 S
I Am Happy, Only Happy 57 S
Everything Is Possible 58 S
The Life That Has No Goal 59 S
We Love Our Desire-Life 60 S
I Speak to God’s Golden Feet 61 S
A Pure Thought 62 S
When I Think of God, I Become Great 63 S
Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy 64 S
Every Morning, Every Evening 65 S
I Pray to God’s Eye for Love 66 S
Peace, God’s Next Act 67 S
Heart, God’s Arrival 68 S
No Aspiration 69 S
Be Not Alone 70 S
Choose God’s Eye 71 S
Ah, There He Goes, My Lord 72 S
Feed Not Desire 73 S
Invoke Your Inner Light 74 S
I Am Happy When My Heart Takes the Lead 75 S
Only God-Servers 76 S
I Use My Soul’s Most Powerful Superlatives 77 S
Everything Has Its Roots in God’s Heart 78 S
Be True 79 S
I Do Not Pray to God to Satisfy Me 80 S
My Lord, on The Way to the Goal 81 S
Physical Pain, Mental Pain 82 S
By Serving You Alone 83 S
True, My Hand-Violin Has Sadly Failed Me 84 S
When I See God’s Eye 85 S
The Outer Sun Sadly Tells Me 86 S
Enlightenment Comes from Self-Effacement 87 S
Closeness and Fondness 88 S
My Sunlit Heart Saves My Life 89 S
I Have Given My Heart-Key 90 S
Every Heart-Song 91 S
In the Darkness of My Mind-Night 92 S
In the Spiritual Life 93 S
I Must Give God a Fair Chance 94 S
My God-Surrender and My God-Ecstasy 95 S
To Make My Life Perfect 96 S
My Lord, Absolute Lord Supreme 97 S
Sleep Like a Child 98 S
Not Loudly, But Soulfully 99 S
My Faith in God (3) 100 S
Two Choosers 101 S
Be Happy, Be Happy 102 S
Happy Are My Eyes (2) 103 S
Every Morning God Wants to Hear from Me 104 S
How Far God Goes 105 S
I Shall Not Cry, I Shall Not Smile 106 S
I Am So Happy When I Am Doing the Right Thing 107 S
My Eyes Can Fool Me 108 S
How Many Hundreds of Times 109 S
Every Morning and Every Evening 110 S
Dream, Always Dream 111 S
Explore, Explore! 112 S
My Aspiration-Journey 113 S
Mistakes Are to Be Disgarded 114 S
O Seeker, How Do You Expect Heart-Flowers? 115 S
I Use My Silence-Eye When I Speak 116 S
Our Prayers Save Us 117 S
Our Meditations Save Us 118 S
In My Heart of Hearts 119 S
My Determination-Promise 120 S
God Says to Me 121 S
God’s Face I Love 122 S
Do Not Follow 123 S
With the Tears of My Heart 124 S
Jealousy and Insecurity 125 S
Prayer Embodies 126 S
Meditation Reveals 127 S
God Tells Me That I Have Come a Long Way 128 S
Why Is Surrender So Difficult? 129 S
My Aspiring Heart Is Followed 130 S
God Has Infinite Rooms 131 S
My Lord, May I Be Always in Between 132 S
True, True, True, My Eyes Are Empty 133 S
My Supreme, Do Bless Me Every Night 134 S
A Traveller of Thought-Worlds 135 S
Strange, God Tells Me 136 S
The Rising Sun Beautifies Me 137 S
My Prayer-Life Is My God-Addition 138 S
My Meditation-Heart Is My God-Multiplication 139 S
My Lord Whispers 140 S
Cry, Cry, Sleeplessly Cry Within 141 S
From God’s Eye, My Spiritual Journey Starts 142 S
At God’s Feet 143 S
Every Day God Beckons Us 144 S
Disobedience-Strides 145 S
Baby Elephant 146 S
I Wish to Obey Every Day 147 S
My Lord, Please Make Me a Permanent Member 148 S
Another Name of Prayer 149 S
Another Name of Meditation 150 S
I Thank God 151 S
Alas, When Will Truth Reign? 152 S
My God-Fulfilment-Readiness 153 S
In My Inner Life 154 S

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