
All Can Be Done if the God-Touch Is There

79 mantric utterances from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, published on 1997-11-12

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
A Blind God 1 S
A Cave of Darkness 2 S
A Death-Bound Littleness 3 S
A Few Can Climb 4 S
A Future Knowledge 5 S
A Giant Dance of Shiva 6 S
A Huge Extinction 7 S
A Light There Is That Leads 8 S
A Moment Sees 9 S
A Thinking Puppet 10 S
A Touch Can Alter 11 S
A Traveller between Summit and Abyss 12 S
All Can Be Done 13 S
All’s Miracle Here 14 S
All Is Too Little 15 S
All Our Earth Starts from Mud 16 S
All Rose from the Silence 17 S
All Things Are Real 18 S
All Things Hang Here 19 S
Although Defeated 20 S
An Idiot Hour 21 S
Beyond Earth’s Longitudes and Latitudes 22 S
Blow Your Conch-Shells 23 S
But Few Are They 24 S
By Light We Live 25 S
Death Helps Us Not 26 S
Death Is a Passage 27 S
Doom is not a close a mystic seal 28 S
Earth Is the Chosen Place 29 S
Earth Must Transform Herself 30 S
Escape Brings Not the Victory 31 S
Eternity Speaks 32 S
Even the Body Shall Remember God 33 S
Fate Shall Be Changed 34 S
For Joy and Not for Sorrow 35 S
God Found in Nature 36 S
God Shall Grow Up 37 S
He Who Would Save the World 38 S
Heaven in its Rapture 39 S
Heaven’s Call Is Rare 40 S
His Failure Is Not Failure 41 S
I Shall Save Earth 42 S
I Wear the Face of Kali 43 S
If Mind Is All, Renounce the Hope of Bliss 44 S
If Mind Is All, Renounce the Hope of Truth 45 S
In Absolute Silence 46 S
In the Beginning 47 S
Love Is a Yearning 48 S
Man Can Accept His Fate 49 S
Matter Shall Reveal the Spirit’s Face 50 S
Men Die That Man May Live 51 S
Mind Can Never See 52 S
Mind Can Never Touch 53 S
Mortality Bears Ill the Eternal’s Touch 54 S
My God Is Love 55 S
Night Is Not Our Beginning 56 S
None Can Reach Heaven 57 S
Nothing Is All Our Own 58 S
Oh, Surely One Day 59 S
One Man’s Perfection (1) 60 S
One Man’s Perfection (2) 61 S
Only a Little 62 S
Only the Pure in Soul 63 S
Our Dead Selves 64 S
Our Fate the Child 65 S
Our Human State 66 S
Our Life Is a Holocaust 67 S
Our Life Is a March 68 S
Out of the Unknown 69 S
Slowly the Light Grows Greater 70 S
Space Is Himself 71 S
The Day-Bringer 72 S
The Gods Are Still Too Few 73 S
The Great Are Strongest 74 S
The Human in Him 75 S
The Life that Fails and Dies 76 S
The Life You Lead 77 S
The One By Whom All Live 78 S
The Soul in Man 79 S
The Soul That Can Live Alone 80 S
The Spirit Rises Mightier 81 S
The World Is Real 82 S
There Is a Purpose 83 S
There Is No Perfect Answer 84 S
There Is No Rest 85 S
To Know Is Best 86 S
Truth Born Too Soon 87 S
We Are Greater Than Our Thoughts 88 S
We Are Sons of God 89 S
While There 90 S
Whoever Is Too Great 91 S
Devi Savitri 92 S T
Man Is at Once Animal and God 93 S
He Who Chooses the Infinite 94 S
Souls That Do Not Aspire 95 S

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