
A Heart of Peace

67 English Peace songs, published on 1997-04-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Peace: God’s Beauty (1) 1 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (2) 2 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (3) 3 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (4) 4 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (5) 5 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (6) 6 S
Peace: God’s Beauty (7) 7 S
Peace: Humanity’s Perfection-Dance (1) 8 S
Peace: Humanity’s Perfection-Dance (2) 9 S
O Year of Peace 10 S
Peace: God’s Dream-Reality’s Oneness-Boat 11 S
Oneness-World-Peace-Family (2) 12 S
Peace: Man’s Life-Tree Progress-Crown 13 S
Peace in the World’s Oneness-Home (2) 14 S
God Has Infinite Children (1) 15 S
Only Through Inner Peace 16 S
Peace Does Not Mean the Absence of War 17 S
Peace: God’s Homeland-Joy 18 S
My Heart’s Peace-Nest 19 S
Peace: Ascending Earth-Oneness 20 S
Supreme, Supreme, Shanti, Shanti 21 S
Peace in My Flying Soul 22 S
Peace, Peace 23 S
Our Oneness-Heart’s Victory-Fragrance-Delight 24 S
God Has Infinite Children (2) 25 S
Peace (1) 26 S
Peace (2) 27 S
Peace (3) 28 S
A Sea of Oneness-Peace 29 S
Peace: Humanity’s Flower-Heart (2) 30 S
Peace: Humanity’s Flower-Heart (3) 31 S
Peace: Humanity’s Flower-Heart (4) 32 S
Peace: Humanity’s Flower-Heart (1) 33 S
Peace I Feel 34 S
God’s Own Ecstasy-Reality 35 S
My Peace-Tree 36 S
A Man of Science 37 S
Only the Peace-Dreamers 38 S
Peace Is the Supreme Achievement 39 S
A Computer-Mind 40 S
Purity Strengthens the Heart 41 S
Love Without Peace 42 S
My Peace-Dream-Heart-Flower 43 S
When My Mind Even Thinks of Peace 44 S
Expect Not 45 S
A Heart of Peace Hears (2) 46 S
A Speaker-Mind 47 S
The Mind Counts Troubles 48 S
Love Illumines My Life 49 S
When Self-Doubt Departs 50 S
A Peace-Dreamer 51 S
A Heart of Peace (1) 52 S
We Can Change the World 53 S
Peace Descends on Earth 54 S
God Gives Me 55 S
I Do Not Need 56 S
Everybody’s Equal 57 S
The Greatest News 58 S
A Self-Transcendence-Mind 59 S
Peace Reveals 60 S
Peace: our surrender-traveller’s Universal passport 61 S
When I Am My Peace-Empty Mind 62 S
We Must Climb the Peace-Tree 63 S
God Invites 64 S
No Citadel 65 S
I Want Nothing from God 66 S
O Dreamers of Peace 67 S

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