

150 English songs, published on 1977-01-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
In Heaven I Sail My Dream-Boat 1 S
Further from Light 2 S
An Iron Body-Life 3 S
I Need a God-Shake 4 S
O My Earth-Life 5 S
At Last My Inner World 6 S
The Son of Man 7 S
Mind, Don’t You Feel? 8 S
I Must Not Deny My Body 9 S
In the Morning I Am Happy 10 S
I Speak Too Much 11 S
A Rare Aspiration 12 S
I Was Deaf to God 13 S
Who Is Who? 14 S
Heart, My Heart, Sigh No More 15 S
The Outer World Feels 16 S
I Do Not Care What Earth Thinks of Me 17 S
O My Soul, O Pilgrim of Eternity 18 S
A Moment’s Truth 19 S
All My Days Have Wings 20 S
On the Top of Heaven’s Hill 21 S
Doubt, My Doubt 22 S
Who Says Tears Are Beggars? 23 S
My Mind-Light 24 S
Your Mind Has Proved 25 S
At Thirteen 26 S
My Body-Life 27 S
I Am Totally Lost 28 S
I Use My Surrender-Light 29 S
Dream Not of Any Other World 30 S
Father, Let Us Exchange Our Labours 31 S
If You Need God-Light 32 S
Everything Is Perfect 33 S
To See the Face of God I Flew High 34 S
Look at This Clown 35 S
Men Are Not Equal 36 S
Father, Keep Me in Your Heart 37 S
In Silence 38 S
I Like Joseph’s Son 39 S
Angels Fall 40 S
When an Iota of Faith Is Lost 41 S
You Do Not Dare to Know 42 S
The Arrows of the Outer Sun 43 S
My God-Realisation 44 S
Sweet Trance 45 S
Lean Upon My Heart 46 S
Mind, Here Is My Life-Car 47 S
Falsehood-Existence 48 S
For God’s Sake 49 S
A Sweet and Divine Heart of Prayer 50 S
The Flames of Faith 51 S
His Rainbow-Beauty-Life 52 S
Earth-Born Music 53 S
Body, You Are Too Impure 54 S
When My Form Resolves 55 S
Lustre-Aspiration 56 S
Beauty Came to Me 57 S
I Expect Nothing 58 S
I Shall Make My Heaven’s Day Long 59 S
I Love My Days 60 S
Heaven Is Deaf 61 S
Brave Were the Days 62 S
Father: Compassion-Perfection 63 S
Secret Are My Ways 64 S
Death Is Sweet 65 S
The Rainbow Comes and Goes 66 S
I Cannot Say Who I Was 67 S
O Eternity’s Sunrise 68 S
My Desire-Life Is Crying 69 S
Somewhere Far Beyond My Mind 70 S
Father, Smile a Little More 71 S
When I Live in the Mind 72 S
My Body Knows How to Cry 73 S
Night Conceals; Morning Reveals 74 S
There Was a Time When I Loved 75 S
O Gracious God 76 S
I Love God Because He Alone Knows 77 S
Aspiration Neglected 78 S
Too Tired to Think 79 S
Sweet Is a Child’s Dream 80 S
To Steer Humanity 81 S
Her Soul-Greatness 82 S
O Sweet Delight 83 S
I Dislike a Fault-Finding Eye 84 S
My Innocent Eyes 85 S
What Is Originality? 86 S
Who Are You? 87 S
You Shall Give, Always Give 88 S
Simple Ignorance 89 S
She Blossomed in Perfect Beauty 90 S
Hope, Sleep No More 91 S
Daughter, Such a Long Delay 92 S
Father, Such a Long Delay 93 S
No Eyes to Look Backward 94 S
Lord, My Heart-Flowers of Beauty 95 S
Death, I Challenge Thee 96 S
High Thoughts I Thought 97 S
Her Vision-World 98 S
Imagination I Need 99 S
Heaven-Success I Feed 100 S
Freedom-Sun I Have 101 S
Moon-Beauty Is Her Body 102 S
God-Fear Uprooted By Me 103 S
My Success Is My Life’s Outer Smile 104 S
The First-Born Smile of Heaven 105 S
Beauty’s Matchless Eye 106 S
You Want To Know 107 S
I Admire the Beauty of Your Eyes 108 S
Don’t Be a Liar! 109 S
Simplicity Washes His Body 110 S
How Can I Teach the World? 111 S
Father Joseph’s Little Son 112 S
He Loves His Dreams 113 S
I Pray and God Grants 114 S
He Knelt 115 S
Death Struck 116 S
Although God Does Not Love Me 117 S
Before God’s Kind Heart 118 S
I Know, He Is the Only Ideal of My Life 119 S
I Do Not Need Factory-Thoughts 120 S
My Suspicious Mind 121 S
Although I Am Finite 122 S
What Is God’s Latest Discovery? 123 S
Heaven’s Great Year 124 S
Yesterday I Wrote Good Words 125 S
My Silence-Life 126 S
Be Careful 127 S
Don’t Speak to Him 128 S
The Seeker in Me 129 S
Wait and See 130 S
Father, Are You Displeased with Heaven? 131 S
Lord, It Is Just a Matter of Time 132 S
What Illumines My Mind? 133 S
Misunderstood on Earth 134 S
Are You a Fool? 135 S
Who Is My Friend? 136 S
I Have Passed My First Examination 137 S
I Love the Beauty-Eyes of Heaven-Years 138 S
When You Go to Visit Heaven 139 S
Justice-God Is the Mighty God 140 S
My Heart-Boat Plies 141 S
I Do One Thing Which You Cannot Do 142 S
My Mind Came to Me 143 S
Nothing Can Impede Your Success 144 S
No Compromise 145 S
Silence Always Smiles 146 S
Darkness, you want to know what I am? 147 S
Truth Is God-Birth 148 S
With Whom Do I Fight? 149 S
Even If You Doubt Me 150 S

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