

150 English songs, published on 1976-12-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Be Pure like the Golden Dawn 1 S
God Does Not Have to Insist 2 S
To See Her in the Morning 3 S
An Ant’s Determination 4 S
God Is Happy Only Twice 5 S
My Heart Waits 6 S
Lord, You and I Are Together Once More 7 S
Infinity, Do Not Forsake Me 8 S
My Ignorance-Heart 9 S
My Mind-Thought Has No Reality 10 S
The Voice of My Soul 11 S
My Tears Are Tired of God’s Delay 12 S
Only One Sigh of Mine 13 S
Before I Forget 14 S
Soul, My Soul, You Are My Sunlit Silence 15 S
Not Too Late to See a New World 16 S
We Start Our Earth-Journey 17 S
What Was, Still Is 18 S
One Colossal Thing 19 S
She Had Three Flames 20 S
Who Can Save Me? 21 S
The Earth-Hour of My Fate 22 S
The Height of Silence 23 S
My Desire-Life Knows Not 24 S
What Is Peace? 25 S
Even Now 26 S
A Downright Wicked Thing to Say 27 S
I Love Your Light 28 S
A Sudden Desire 29 S
When He Is in His Body 30 S
Don’t Love the Past 31 S
Who Is in the Land of Desire? 32 S
While Measuring 33 S
You Have Not Listened 34 S
Earth-Mother 35 S
A Mystic Gulf 36 S
The Song of an Obscure Man 37 S
I Have Two Questions 38 S
When My Tears Filled My Years 39 S
Three Splendours 40 S
Who Can Escape My Cries? 41 S
I Have More Light 42 S
Too Many Masters 43 S
Silence Invented My Soul-Light 44 S
Yesterday My Desire-Life Was the Song 45 S
His Earth-Smile Is Rich 46 S
Perpetual Preparation 47 S
His Silver Smile 48 S
Silence-God Was the First Morning 49 S
Light Supreme 50 S
Illumination I Need Daily 51 S
Adventurous Is the Path of Prayer 52 S
The Advocate of Night 53 S
Yesterday She Was a Slave 54 S
I Fasted to Realise God 55 S
Your Flaming Heart 56 S
Lord, I Wish to Sail Your Dream-Boat 57 S
When I Wish to Pray 58 S
Sweet Saviour 59 S
Who Announces God’s Arrival? 60 S
Your Cloudless Face 61 S
Where Is My Fount of Faith? 62 S
Two Ways to Realise God 63 S
In the Morning 64 S
The Bliss of My Past Life 65 S
Kneel Down 66 S
Shame, Shame 67 S
Nearer Than My Hands and Feet 68 S
Meditation-Sky 69 S
Another Name for My Desire-Life 70 S
Never Shall I Cease 71 S
Earth Asks Me to Take Rest 72 S
In the Morning of My Life 73 S
In the City of Light 74 S
I Have Seen the Wings of God-Smile 75 S
Why Do I Fail? Why Do I Succeed? 76 S
Her God 77 S
Death, for God’s Sake 78 S
If I Have a Life 79 S
The Dance of Life 80 S
The Jungle of Fear 81 S
I Sat on the Throne of Night 82 S
In My Secret Heart 83 S
The Songs of the Morning Stars 84 S
Lord, Keep My Heart from Turning Dry 85 S
Before I Became a Mighty Builder 86 S
He Longs to Be a Woman 87 S
Dawn Loves You 88 S
Lord, I Am Coming Again 89 S
Slowly and Steadily Peace Walks 90 S
My Heart Sleeps at Your Feet 91 S
Father, I Need a Temple 92 S
Man, I Am Tired 93 S
I Have a Dry Soul 94 S
Burn Me, O Lord 95 S
Father, I Am Yours 96 S
Father, to Please You in Your Own Way 97 S
Who Watches Me? 98 S
Daughter, I Always Scold You 99 S
Father, Here Is a Long List 100 S
Father, the More You Ignore Me 101 S
O Faltering Feet 102 S
How Far Will You Take Me? 103 S
Sound Your Life-Frightening Vital 104 S
Father, Why Have You Crushed My Pride? 105 S
Lord, Because You Have Your Infinite Time 106 S
Daughter, You Want a Blessing 107 S
Conceal Not Thought 108 S
God’s Business 109 S
I Am Happy Only When 110 S
The Beauty of Silence 111 S
I Have a Hungry Heart 112 S
What Will You Do, Father? 113 S
O, Tell Me the Difference 114 S
Lord, My Unfulfilled Soul 115 S
God the Compassion Is the Advocate 116 S
Lord, My Heart-Room Is Full of You 117 S
Light Loves Its Own Echo 118 S
In the Desert-Silence 119 S
A Hundred Ways to Realise God 120 S
A Life in a Himalayan Cave 121 S
My Thought-Life Envies My Silence-Life 122 S
Knowing All 123 S
As a Child of God 124 S
Fleeting Bliss and Lasting Woe 125 S
The Silence of the Morning Sun 126 S
When I Am in Heaven 127 S
Thoughtless Freedom My Body Has 128 S
My Heart Is a Sleeping Tear-Drop 129 S
With the Arrows of Desire 130 S
Noisy World-Body 131 S
O Heart of Light 132 S
Three Sounds 133 S
Heart, My Heart, When Are You Going to Cry? 134 S
His God-Life 135 S
Because of My Unconscious Folly 136 S
One Truth Speaks to Another Truth 137 S
Problem, Problem 138 S
There Was a Time When I Suffered 139 S
A Drop of Nothingness 140 S
Invisible Goal 141 S
When He Fasted 142 S
You Want to Develop Vision-Power 143 S
When He Died 144 S
Above My Head 145 S
God Gave Me the Heart of Light 146 S
My Life Fearfully Awaits 147 S
My Heart-Life 148 S
The Clouds of My Tears 149 S
I Am Tired 150 S

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