
Song-Flowers, Part 3

103 English songs, published on 1989-01-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
In His Inner Heart 1 S
Lifting Up the World 2 S
I Am Happy Because I Still Need God (2) 3 S
Are You There, God? 4 S
I Have Forgotten to Love God 5 S
Once You Start Singing 6 S
Allow Not Your Vital-Horse 7 S
Aspiration-Garden 8 S
Why Are You Shopping? 9 S
Each Happy Life-Car 10 S
God Wants You to Know 11 S
A True God-Lover Does Not Grow Older 12 S
The Choice Is Yours 13 S
Every Day, Without Fail 14 S
Yesterday I Was God’s Faithful Dog 15 S
My Love of God Is Not a Loan from God 16 S
God’s Earth-Transformation-Organ 17 S
My Lord, I Am Not Crying 18 S
A Thousand Promises 19 S
God’s Tennis Court 20 S
My Inner Faith-Doctor 21 S
At Any Time 22 S
My Love of God and God’s Love of Me 23 S
Yesterday I Was Crawling 24 S
What Your Heart Needs 25 S
God’s Motto 26 S
Drive Forward 27 S
God Triumphantly Thrives (1) 28 S
When God Comes into Your Life 29 S
I Am Not Sorry, O My Sleeping Mind 30 S
Something for Nothing 31 S
Beauty Is Wisdom 32 S
One Question Remained (2) 33 S
It Shall Never Happen 34 S
Father, O Father 35 S
His Is the Magic Smile (1) 36 S
To See God the Light 37 S
Your Business Is to Begin (1) 38 S
Regularity Is the Temple (2) 39 S
I Meditate Because I Must (2) 40 S
I Found Many Short Cuts (2) 41 S
Beauty-Flames 42 S
The Songs of My Tomorrow’s Heart 43 S
A God-Loving Heart 44 S
I Love Myself 45 S
I Think of God 46 S
God Loves Me — I Mean My Sincere Cry 47 S
What I Need Is a God-Climbing Heart (1) 48 S
If You Do Not Have a Sense of Humour (1) 49 S
The Life-Boat of a Gratitude-Heart 50 S
You Are Right 51 S
God’s Pen 52 S
When My Heart’s Silence Knocks 53 S
God Cries Only Once 54 S
Earth’s Sad Cry 55 S
Wherever He Goes 56 S
God Invited Me to Eat with Him 57 S
Nothing But Fun 58 S
He Surrendered 59 S
Light Tells Me What I Am 60 S
Do You Seek None but God? 61 S
When I Think of God 62 S
I March 63 S
Where Is God’s Smile? (2) 64 S
If You Are a Great God-Lover 65 S
My Soul Has Taught Me How to Fly 66 S
O My Beloved Master 67 S
Truth Is God’s Birth 68 S
To Please God in My Own Way 69 S
There Was a Time When I Used To 70 S
God Tells Me That I Can Talk to God 71 S
My Lord Is Not Discouraged 72 S
God, You Are Fast Approaching 73 S
Every Day God Visits 74 S
Every Day Collect Love-Flowers 75 S
Each Gratitude-Heart Is a Magnet 76 S
Man’s Latest Discovery 77 S
Man’s Aspiration-Heart 78 S
Perfect Thinking You Have 79 S
If You Study the World of Your Heart 80 S
His Cry Stole My Heart 81 S
His Is the Magic Smile (2) 82 S
I Strive Because I Am Alive 83 S
I Do Not Want to Hear 84 S
I Have Seen Two Things (2) 85 S
God Always Has Time for You 86 S
God’s Glory-Lottery 87 S
God’s Victory-Clarion 88 S
Willingness-Eye 89 S
No Distance Too Great 90 S
Each Good Thought Is a Piece of Heaven 91 S
God’s Estimated Time of Arrival 92 S
Where Else Can You Find Peace? 93 S
In the Small Hours of Morning 94 S
Is There Any Day? 95 S
Who Am I? 96 S
At Last I Am So Happy 97 S
Who Is Inside Me? 98 S
To See a Face of Love 99 S
I and My Pride Can Live Without God 100 S
Do Not Cry 101 S
One Unforgivable Sin 102 S
God the Dreamer, I Love You 103 S

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