
My Supreme Songbook

52 English morning prayer songs, published on 2001-04-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Marathon I Run 1 S
My Lord Beloved Supreme, Smile, Smile 2 S
Your Newness Does Not Satisfy Me 3 S
My Supreme, Every Day I Pray to You 4 S
I Am Happy When You Guide My Heart 5 S
Smile, Smile, Smile 6 S
I Love You Only, Only, Only 7 S
Why Do You Not Love Me Any More? 8 S
Who Can Console You? 9 S
My Heart’s Streaming Tears 10 S
My Soul Has Zero Tolerance 11 S
I Must Not Choose Joys 12 S
My God-Oneness-Life 13 S
My Prayer Is My Oneness 14 S
My Only Happiness 15 S
My Supreme, Today I Am Determined 16 S
My Supreme, the More Faith I Have in You 17 S
I Become the Tower of Strength 18 S
The Earthly Calendar 19 S
Success-Speed-Beauty 20 S
My Surrender-Soil 21 S
An Ever-Blossoming God-Gratitude-Heart 22 S
May All My God-Dreams Blossom 23 S
My Joy Knows No Bounds 24 S
Eternity’s God-Aspiration-Cry 25 S
A Most Peaceful Evening Sunset-Song 26 S
A Most Beautiful Morning Sunrise-Smile 27 S
When My Life Becomes a Desire-Beggar 28 S
What a Fool I Am 29 S
My Supreme, May My Heart Love 30 S
I Was Born to Be a Lover of Your Dreams 31 S
The Human Birth Is an Unknown Journey 32 S
My Master-Lord, I Came into the World 33 S
My Master-Lord 34 S
Make Me Your Fastest Devotion-Magnet 35 S
Your Heart’s Smiling and Flying Face 36 S
My Master-Lord, I Love Your Eyes 37 S
My Master-Lord, Your Choice Was My Soul 38 S
I Shall Fell My Ignorance-Tree 39 S
My Morning Begins 40 S
A God-Gratitude-Silence-Moment 41 S A
A Rainbow-Dancing Delight 42 S A
My Morning Begins With the Vision 43 S
My Master Dies and Dies 44 S
Every Year I Vote 45 S
You Say You Are a Total Failure 46 S
Finally, My Heart-Blossoms Have Replaced 47 S
May My Mind Awake 48 S
Every Compromise 49 S
Not My Mind, But My Heart 50 S
Each Time I Pray, My Lord Shakes Hands 51 S
My Readiness Takes and Takes 52 S

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