
My Complete God-Surrender-Song

142 English songs from July 1995, published on 1995-01-07

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Purity Is Matchless 1 S
The More My Life Enjoys the Outer Sleep 2 S
What Is My Name, My Real Name? 3 S
The Outer Mind 4 S
I pray and pray and pray to see God’s Face 5 S
God’s Compassion Creates Happiness 6 S
Seeker, If You Sleep 7 S
Ah, When My Heart Lives on God-Hunger 8 S A
My Final Farewell to My Deception-Mind 9 S
Within, Without, My Wild Doubt-Drum 10 S
When I Am in My Searching Mind 11 S
O My Heart’s Sweet Fountain-Willingness 12 S
My Morning Prayer 13 S
My Life’s Pure Service-Length 14 S
Be Brave, My Heart 15 S
A Restive Mind Divided 16 S A
O God-seeker, keep not mankind behind 17 S
No More My Heart Shall Live Inside My Mind-Cage 18 S
Sleepless, I Long to Weep for You 19 S
O Lord, Do Make My Heart Receptive 20 S
Nothing Can Magnify God’s Perfection-Glory 21 S
The Bitterness of My Mind 22 S
My Mind Is a Ruthless Heart-Attacker 23 S
O God’s Thunder-Justice 24 S
Ah, Who Am I? 25 S A
I Want My Life To Live On God-Hunger-Cry 26 S
Mine Is the Soul 27 S
Meditation, My Meditation 28 S
My Surrender is my Lord’s Deepest Love-Pride 29 S
No Longer Stupid and Blind 30 S
God’s Compassion-Eye is My Only Home 31 S
When It Is a Matter of God 32 S
The Mind That Tries and Tries 33 S
Alas, for My Poor Heart 34 S
I Have Resolved Never to Complain 35 S
My Complete God-Surrender-Song 36 S
With God, No God-Lover Disputes 37 S
My Lord's Heart And Eye Weep And Weep 38 S
My Lord, Bless Me 39 S
Since, to the End, My Sweet Lord’s Tears 40 S
I Was a Willing Slave 41 S
I Am a Volley of Man-Complaints 42 S
Heaven Gives My Heart-Breath Heavenly Instructions 43 S
I Shall Be There 44 S
My Heart of Love God Remembers 45 S
My Instant Peace 46 S
My Discipline-Life 47 S
A Truth-Seeker 48 S A
I Shall Not Permit Myself 49 S
A Sleepless, Breathless Faith-Follower 50 S A
No More Self-Confidence-Crisis 51 S
My Faith-Success-Story 52 S
Expect Not! You Will Win the God-Race 53 S
Humility, My Receptivity’s Multiplicity 54 S
My Lord Is Proud of My Heart’s Delight 55 S
A Mind of Failure 56 S
My Mind Betrays My Lord 57 S
The Path of Doubt 58 S
A Sweet Peace-Song 59 S A
Oh, I Want Not My Mind’s Foolish Fantasy 60 S
My Dream-Awakened Life 61 S
Be Heart-Wise 62 S
Oh, Keep Your Mind Mountain High 63 S
My Heart-Room 64 S
O, How Can My Life Ever Thrive? 65 S
Oh, Try and Try and Try 66 S
O Doubting Mind 67 S
My God-Dreaming Heart 68 S
The Courage of My Heart’s God-Conviction 69 S
To Shatter Ignorance-Grip, Cancel 70 S
My Heart’s Aspiration-Train 71 S
Satisfaction Is Neither Here Nor There 72 S
Oh, Nothing Can Be Marred by Man 73 S
No One Can Change the World 74 S
God Is Speaking to My Heart Directly 75 S
Smash Not God’s Heart 76 S
My Soul and My Master 77 S
Quickly Empty 78 S
My Mind Was Eternity’s Darkest Night 79 S
Victory to God’s Compassion-Flood 80 S
My Success-Life Brings Me Nothing But Pride 81 S
I Love My Lord Only 82 S
You Had a Mental Fight 83 S
Death Has a Message for You 84 S
Duly and Daily 85 S
Who Is Heaven’s Mother? 86 S
Not Once, But Thrice 87 S
O Dreaming Heaven 88 S
Human Life Is Endless Limitation 89 S
Truth, My Truth 90 S
I Play Not Alone 91 S
The Utmost Force 92 S
The Traveller in Me 93 S
Sincerity Is an Inspiring Beauty 94 S
O Body, I Am Tired 95 S
Lord, I Enjoy Your Juggling Eyes 96 S
Each Prayer Heralds a New Day of Hope 97 S
I Thought About God 98 S
Something That Can Never Be Old 99 S
My Lord’s Name Is Forgiveness 100 S
A Purity-Heart Is Never Empty 101 S
To Choose the Real 102 S
A Yogi’s Mind 103 S
Time Is Motion 104 S
A Desiring Man 105 S
The Mind of Reason Fails 106 S
When We Are Sincere 107 S
Soul Is Preparation 108 S
Doubt Binds Us 109 S
Oneness-Heart-Children (2) 110 S
May my Heart Never Study Life’s Indifference-Book 111 S
When I Think, I Sink 112 S
When Love Fails Compassion Speaks 113 S
I Look Beautiful 114 S
I Am Challenging My Ingratitude-Mind 115 S
No More Shall I Ignore 116 S
Each and Every Friend of Mine 117 S
I Am So Happy That I Have a New Name 118 S
Confidence 119 S
Man’s Human Glory 120 S
Silence Not Only Has But Is The Fastest Speed 121 S
Somebody Has to Listen 122 S
Comparison 123 S
The Mind Must Desire 124 S
Silence Is Beyond 125 S
My Life Swims Every Day 126 S
My Unconditional Surrender 127 S
Each Desire 128 S
Goodbye, Ego, Goodbye 129 S
Nothing Can Be More Powerful 130 S
Nothing Can Be More Fruitful 131 S
Nothing Can Be More Beautiful 132 S
Pleasure Perishes 133 S
Gratitude and Surrender-Flights 134 S
Prayer Is a Hope-Pilgrim 135 S
At Long Last I Was Able to Say Goodbye 136 S A
Anger Blasts Poise Outlasts 137 S
My Mind Is a Thunder-Drummer-Boy 138 S
The Outer World 139 S
Immediately Start Unlearning 140 S
Immediately Start Learning 141 S
Only a Purity-Heart 142 S

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