
Lord, I Thank You For Your Smile

45 English songs from Fall, 1988, published on 1995-12-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Lord, I Thank You for Your Smile, I Thank You 1 S
Awake, Awake You Lazy Sleepers! 2 S
Here I Cry for God 3 S
You Are So Near 4 S
One Who Truly Loves God 5 S
I Live in God’s Forgiveness-Sun 6 S
How to Start? 7 S
If You Take Aspiration-Vitamins 8 S
A Life of Surrender-Perfection 9 S
A Constant Gratitude-Heart (2) 10 S
Can You Not? (1) 11 S
What Can Poor God Do? 12 S
I Have Never Calculated My Loss and Gain 13 S
I Cry Because I Am So Imperfect 14 S
God’s Expanding Forgiveness-Garden 15 S
God-Doubters Do Not Know 16 S
Each Thought Is an Atomic Power 17 S
Wherever Your Compassion Takes Me 18 S
I Have Seen Two Things (1) 19 S
Your Heart’s Morning God-Hunger 20 S
The Only Way to Surprise God 21 S
One Solemn Oath 22 S
God’s Vision and His Compassion 23 S
Do You Remember? 24 S
I Still Think That God Loves Me 25 S
O True God Lovers 26 S
You Have Forgotten 27 S
Advance, Advance! 28 S
Cry Within and Smile Without 29 S
My Mind Likes Long Journeys 30 S
May My Heart-Garden Grow 31 S
Oneness-Delight 32 S
Sincerity Is My Heart’s Silver Dawn 33 S
I Pray to God for His Absolute Vision 34 S
Because You Are a Childlike Believer (1) 35 S
Each Aspiring Life 36 S
Success Is an Incident 37 S
God-Seekers Feast 38 S
Although There Is Nobody in the Audience 39 S
I Do Know Who You Are 40 S
Greatness-God I Adore 41 S
My Life Is Stationed In Between 42 S
I Shall Not Mind 43 S
Aspiration Begins 44 S
Because You Are a Childlike Believer (2) 45 S

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