
Journey’s Goal, Part 7a

50 English songs, published on 1981-01-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
My Lord in Silence 1 S
My Heart-to-Heart Talk with My Lord 2 S
I Plumb My Selfless Life 3 S
With a Sleepless Smile 4 S
I Need a New Beginning-Light 5 S
A Big Mistake 6 S
He Practises What He Preached 7 S
Lift Up Your Eyes 8 S
O Master, Hide My Soul 9 S
I Was a Chainless Soul 10 S
Helpless Is My World Within 11 S
Strengthen Me, My Heart-Faith 12 S
Easy to Cry 13 S
A Single Human Cry 14 S
To Be a Cosmic God 15 S
I Dearly Love My India 16 S
In Silence-Love I Cry 17 S
Although In Despair-Night 18 S
A Single Heaven-Flame 19 S
My Song, My Song 20 S
A Garland of Soul-Victory 21 S
I Fly from Sky to Sky 22 S
When I Take Shelter in My Master’s Eye 23 S
Silence-Tears I Weep 24 S
For Love You Bind 25 S
One Gleam of Faith 26 S
He Challenged Man 27 S
Life Is My Philosophy-Sight 28 S
I Think, I Think Only to Sink 29 S
Each Man 30 S
Deep Compassion 31 S
Why Do I Cry? 32 S
How Many Blessings? 33 S
The Song of Freedom Divine 34 S
Slowly and Steadily My Prayer Ascends 35 S
Are You Dying for a Dream? 36 S
Your Childlike Faith 37 S
I Fear No More 38 S
A Sudden Thought of God 39 S
To See My Pilot Supreme 40 S
Star-Like You Soar 41 S
Lost in Stormy Vision 42 S
One Lightning Hope 43 S
In the Smile of Man 44 S
My Sweet Lord Loves My Hope 45 S
Although I Tried 46 S
In Rapture of Service-Dance 47 S
I Sing through My Heart-Tears 48 S
Vaster Than the Sky 49 S
Truth Is a Shield 50 S

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