
Journey's Goal, Part 1

101 English songs, published on 1977-01-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Oh, Where Is Hell? 1 S
I Had a Dream, I Had a Dream 2 S
I See in Him No More a Beast 3 S
I Do Not Sing, I Cannot Sing 4 S
No Haste 5 S
I Have No Skill 6 S
My Mind Shall Not Complain 7 S
Ah! Who Can Feed My Greed? 8 S
Here Is the Key 9 S
My Soul Shall Always Share 10 S
This Is the Way 11 S
I Love the Beauty of Sleeping Flowers 12 S
To Be a Friend Divine 13 S
One Thing I Know 14 S
Heaven’s Will Leads Me 15 S
I Love Because I Must 16 S
How Can I Forget You? 17 S
I Think of God Because He Is So Kind 18 S
O Deaf Heaven 19 S
Two Distance-Friends Meet 20 S
He Sang His Swan Song 21 S
Your Service-Tree 22 S
I Love My Task 23 S
I Am Not Ready to Feel 24 S
Great Is He 25 S
On My Way Back to Life 26 S
Your Need 27 S
Four Important Failures 28 S
I Need a Flame Within 29 S
For My Sake 30 S
Use Not Your Tyrant-Temper 31 S
Pure Love’s First Gift 32 S
I See No Foe 33 S
Pure as Prayer-Cry 34 S
Faith Is Its Own Redeemer 35 S
A Foolish Prayer-Night 36 S
Life-Flower Quickly Fades 37 S
Father, You Have Given Him Your Pen 38 S
Beyond the Reach of Heaven 39 S
I Hope to Learn 40 S
What Can I Do? 41 S
One Promise to My Heaven-Height 42 S
Lord, When My Song Is Sung 43 S
Do Not Give Up 44 S
O Sun of My Soul 45 S
As a Seeker-Soul 46 S
O Saviour Dear 47 S
O Winning Speed 48 S
My Tiny Boat I Row 49 S
I Prepare My Faith-Hunger 50 S
My Peace I Treasure 51 S
Believe It or Not, I Love 52 S
In Your Case, What You Need 53 S
Everything That a Man Needs 54 S
If You Love God 55 S
How to Know the Singer? 56 S
They Love Your Compassion-Heart 57 S
Nothing I Do 58 S
Keep Your Mind-Poise 59 S
Half Experience: Man Is Man-Night 60 S
For a Knowledge-Teacher 61 S
Man Is Dear to Man 62 S
I Build My Hope-Tower 63 S
Why Do I Fail? 64 S
One Man-Like God 65 S
In Body and Soul 66 S
Faith Cures My Sorrows (2) 67 S
Death, Be Not Ruthless 68 S
My Silence Speaks, My Sound Is Mute 69 S
My Feet Have Wings 70 S
Your Rising Glory 71 S
My Heart’s Only Friend 72 S
Some Are Born to Ecstasy’s Light 73 S
Since You Are a Candidate for Power 74 S
God Opens His Morning Eye 75 S
O Endless Night 76 S
One Aspiration-Drop 77 S
Some Men Were Destined to Fly 78 S
I Loved Yesterday’s Unconditional Grace 79 S
Yesterday I Loved 80 S
I Longed to Give My Heart and Soul 81 S
I Shall Obey You 82 S
A New World of Peace 83 S
I Know the Secret Desires 84 S
Power Influences My Life 85 S
Faith Is a Secret Way 86 S
Heavenly Time and Earthly Space 87 S
Ancient Night 88 S
Speak, Silence, Speak 89 S
O Piercing Ray 90 S
Breathless with Adoration 91 S
Blissful Solitude 92 S
Ecstasy of My Psychic Fire 93 S
Always to Be 94 S
I Take the Endless Way 95 S
There Is a Star Not Far 96 S
Cease Not Fighting 97 S
Life, What Is It? 98 S
My Eyes Behold 99 S
Give Me a Little Time 100 S
My Heart Shall Die 101 S

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