
Four Summit-Height-Melodies

Songs about Pablo Casals, Leonard Bernstein, Yehudi Menuhin and Kurt Masur, published on 1995-08-31

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
O Pablo Casals 1 S
To Give Wings of Eternity 2 S
Leonard Bernstein 3 S
The Only Thing 4
Music Is Never About Things (1) 5
Music Is Never About Things (2) 6
The Meaning of Music 7
I Knew with Finality, I Would Be a Musician (1) 8
I Knew with Finality, I Would Be a Musician (2) 9
Music Is Something Terribly Special 10
Music Is Universal 11
We Worshipped Toscanini 12
The Idea of Repetition 13
Any Freedom Without Discipline 14
The Realm of Music 15
Yehudi Menuhin: O Soul-Smile Rare 16
Yehudi Menuhin 17
I Have Never Resigned Myself 18
My Life Has Been Spent 19
Kurt Masur 20
You Will Get What I Am 21
My Personal Position to Mozart 22
A Conductor’s Relationship with an Orchestra 23

wiki/four-summit-height-melodies/four-summit-height-melodies.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/24 09:39 by