
Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 2

200 Bengali/English songs, published on 1986-05-14

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Jyotsna Rate Chander Pashe Dekhte Amai 1 S
In the Full Moon Night 2 S
Kalpana Noy Kalpana Noy Bandhan Hara 3 S
No Imagination 4 S
Sathi Habe Akulata Ei Barashai Thaki 5 S A
Intense Eagerness 6 S A
Jiban Britha Maran Britha Bokar Abhigyata 7 S
Meaningless Life 8 S
Balo Prabhu Ar Katokal Rahite Habe Tomai 9 S
My Lord, Do Tell Me 10 S
Charan Tale Thai Pele Aj Jiban Habe Dhanya 11 S
If I Get My Shelter at Your Feet 12 S
Jiban Amar Haibe Kebal Madhumoyi Asha 13 S
My Life Will Only Be 14 S
Sathi Habe Sathi Habe Atma Tyager Mantra 15 S
My Companion-Friend 16 S
Bahir Jibane Basanar Duar Khulibona Ar 17 S
In My Outer Life 18 S
Maraner Bhoye Jibanere Nahi Charibona 19 S
I Shall Not Give Up Life 20 S
Charidhare Mor Kamanar Moha Jal 21 S
Desire, Attachment 22 S
Charan Tale Peyechi Tahi Chahina Ar Kichu 23 S
I Am at Your Haven-Feet 24 S
Kusum Sama Phutite Chahi Param Prabhur 25 S
Like a Flower 26 S
Adhirata Nahi Pabe 27 S
Silence Can Never Be Seen 28 S
Ashanta Man Tomare Karibo Achire Bisarjan 29 S
O Restless Mind of Mine 30 S
Maner Atite Jete Habe Jani Manere Karite Joy 31 S
Beyond the Mind (2) 32 S
Alasata Nahi Pabe 33 S
Idleness 34 S
Saral Hriday Tomar Dekha Kothai Pabo Balo 35 S
O Sincere Heart 36 S
Durbalata Bhitar Bahir Durbalata Charidhar 37 S
Weakness Within, Weakness Without 38 S
Santaribo Dibanishi Madhumoyi Asha Nadite 39 S
Day and Night I Shall Swim 40 S
Khudra Amire Haraite Habe Brihat Amire 41 S
I Must Lose the Little ‘I’ 42 S
Shephali Phuler Gandhe Ajike Nachiya Utiche 43 S
Dancing, My Heart Is Awakened 44 S
Asha Kusum Tomar Sathe Jiban Amar Chale 45 S
O Hope-Flowers 46 S
Shantir Lagi Hriday Kandiche Shantir Dekha Nai 47 S
My Heart Is Crying for Peace 48 S
Asha Kusum Tomar Ruper Nai Je Kabhu Sima 49 S
O Hope-Flower, Your Beauty 50 S
Ami Tomar Ei Kothati Shunte Kebal Chai 51 S
I Am Yours 52 S
Phulte Hale Phuler Mato Khulte Habe Hiyar 53 S
The Door of Your Heart 54 S
Jagite Haibe Nutan Bhore Nutan Hasite 55 S
I Must Wake Up 56 S
Man Akashe Urite Chahi Ananta Ullase 57 S
In the Sky of the Mind 58 S
Prabhur Charan Bhalobasi Ei Je Amar Parichai 59 S
I Love My Lord’s Feet 60 S
Kusumita Chitte Dibase Nishite Tomar Bijoy 61 S
With a Flower-Blossomed Heart 62 S
Alik Swapan Nahe Kabhu Jani 63 S
Man’s Life and Man’s Death 64 S
Martya Tomai Basbo Bhalo Paran Bhore 65 S
Earth, I Shall Love You 66 S
Prerana Ane Eshana Eshana Ane Param 67 S
Inspiration Brings In Aspiration 68 S
Hiya Pure Jabo Ebar Karbona Ar Deri 69 S
This Time 70 S
Jyotir Nabhe Gaibo Ami 71 S T
In the Light-Flooded Sky 72 S
Mor Asha Nadi Sukhaye Jai Nirash Maru 73 S
My Hope-River Is Getting Dry 74 S
Shunte Barai Madhur Lage Amar Hiyar Amar 75 S
Pleasant, All Pleasant 76 S
Kandibo Bhitare Kandibo Bahire Bishal Paran 77 S
I Shall Cry Within 78 S
Benche Thaki Ami Kebal Khudra Chaowa Niye 79 S
I Keep Myself Alive 80 S
Shikte Habe Param Prabhur Bijoy Giti Shikhte 81 S
I Must Learn How to Sing 82 S
Amar Chitta Sabar Chitte Nitya Bhalo Baste 83 S
My Heart Must Love Daily 84 S
Namo.. Karuna Brishti Pratikkhane Namo 85 S
Descend, Descend 86 S
Bhakti Bina Jiban Keman Kare Madhur Habe 87 S
How Can Life Be Sweet? 88 S
Kritagyatar Hasi Jani Mulya Bihin Dhan 89 S
Gratitude-Smile 90 S
Balte Chahi Gopan Katha Keha Shunte 91 S
I Long to Tell 92 S
Simar Bandhan Bhangar Age Keman Kare 93 S
How Can the Infinite Open Its Eyes? 94 S
Samarpaner Hasi Pran Gabhire Tomai Ami 95 S
O Surrender-Smile 96 S
Andhar Achhe Achhe Alo 97 S T
Darkness There Is 98 S
Shanti Lagi Praner Jadi Jage Tibra Kandar 99 S
If There Is an Intense Cry 100 S
He Bidhata Dao More Ichchha Shakti 101 S
My Lord, Give Me Will-Power 102 S
He Bidhata Dao More Bhakati Kusum 103 S
My Lord, Give Me Devotion-Flower 104 S
He Bidhata Dao More Shakti Plaban 105 S
My Lord, Give Me Strength-Flood 106 S
He Bidhata Dao More Premer Akash Dao 107 S
My Lord, Give Me Love-Sky 108 S
He Bidhata Dao More Dhoirjya Baridhi Dao 109 S
My Lord, Give Me Patience-Sea 110 S
He Bidhata Karo More Namrata Ghash Karo 111 S
My Lord, Make Me Humility-Grass 112 S
Janani Mor Karunamoyi Yogamaya 113 S
Mother of Mine 114 S
Bhalo Manda Sabar Lagi Aruna Ane Karuna 115 S
For Good and Bad and For All 116 S
Barai Nithur Bhitar Bahir Ahamika 117 S
Very Cruel Within, Without 118 S
Hiya Bane Baje Aji Amar Shyamer Banshi 119 S
Today My Lord Krishna 120 S
Dak Eseche Dak Eseche Bishwa Prabhur Dak 121 S
Call Has Come 122 S
Kripa.. Bigalita Kripa Amar Manasa Purite 123 S
Compassion, Heart-Melting Compassion 124 S
Shyama Mayer Charan Tale Bishwa Shanti 125 S
At the Feet of Mother Kali 126 S
Dekhte Chaha Dekhte Pabe Bishwa Prabhur 127 S
You Want to See 128 S
Gopane Hiya Bane Eso Giri Dhari 129 S
O Lord Krishna, Do Come 130 S
Dakte Tomai Chaina Ami Pete Tomai Chai 131 S
I Do Not Want to Invoke You 132 S
Bhul Kareo Gaibona Ar Chaowa Paowar Gan 133 S
Even By Mistake 134 S
Nirab Haye Nirabatar Karbo Aradhan 135 S
I Shall Offer My Adoration 136 S
Byakul Hiya Chahi Ami Amar Maner Rupantar 137 S
With an Eager Heart 138 S
Shanta Chitte Bhakti Bhare Shakti Kache Jabo 139 S
With a Silence-Heart 140 S
Ar Katobal Raibo Bhabe Agyanatar Sathi Haye 141 S
How Long Am I to Remain? 142 S
Oishi Sahas Nai Je Amar Nai Nai 143 S
Heavenly Strength 144 S
Maner Sathe Ghure Berai Hriday Kande 145 S
With My Mind 146 S
Sakal Desher Jabe Hiya Shanti Giti Geye 147 S
To All Climes 148 S
Khudra Chaowa Mukta Haye Dekha Aji Dilo 149 S
Small Desires 150 S
Chokher Jale Hiyar Bale Basi Tomar Charan 151 S
With the Tears of My Eyes 152 S
Tanu Hok Mor Hiyar Pahar Hiya Hok Mor 153 S
May My Body 154 S
Kende Kende Ghure Berai Jiban Maru Bhume 155 S
Crying and Weeping 156 S
Kandite Chahina Paite Chahina Chahi Je Kebal 157 S
I Do Not Want 158 S
Dine Rate Bajate Habe Rupantarer Banshi 159 S
Day and Night I Must Play 160 S
Timir Rate Chalte Habe Alor Sandhane 161 S
In Darkness-Night I Must Proceed 162 S
Dyuloke Bhuloke Ashar Sammilan 163 S
On Earth and in Heaven 164 S
Balar Mato Kichui Ajo Balte Shikhini 165 S
I Have Not Yet Learned 166 S
Kothai Ananda Kothai Ananda Hatashai Bhara 167 S
Where is Delight? 168 S
Kamanar Ban Barai Tibra Jani 169 S
Desire-Arrows 170 S
Chahina Ami Chaowa Paowar Khudha 171 S
I Want Not 172 S
Maner Atite Jete Habe Jani Paramer Dekha 173 S
Beyond the Mind (1) 174 S
Agyanatar Ghumer Deshe 175 S
I Do Not Want to Live 176 S
Asha Amai Kare Raja Asha Kare Bishwa Joyi 177 S
Hope Makes Me a King 178 S
Diner Sheshe Rater Sheshe Ami Amai Dibo 179 S
At the End of the Day 180 S
Sabar Sathe Jukta Haye Mukti Bhikkha Magi 181 S
United With All 182 S
Hiyar Jyoti Hiyar Jyoti Ami Tomar Chirantaner 183 S
O Light of My Heart 184 S
Kandte Habe Manas Bane Anya Kothao Noi 185 S
I Must Cry inside My Mind-Forest 186 S
Haste Habe Hiya Pure Anya Kothao Noi 187 S
I Must Smile in My Heart-City 188 S
Nachte Habe Alor Deshe 189 S T
I Must Dance in the Land of Light 190 S
Deha Man Sathe Chalilam Aji Satyer Sandhane 191 S
With My Body and Mind 192 S
Tomai Puje Hayechi Ami Param Bhagyaban 193 S
Worshipping You 194 S
Bhitare Bahire Kandi Aharaha Nutan Jibana Lagi 195 S
Within, Without, for a New Life I Cry 196 S
Jabar Dine Diye Jabo Dharanire Kritagyatar Har 197 S
At the End of My Life’s Journey 198 S
Pranami Tomai Bhubaner Nath Parama Bhakati 199 S
O Lord of the Universe, I Bow to You 200 S

wiki/four-hundred-blue-green-white-red-soul-birds-part-2/four-hundred-blue-green-white-red-soul-birds-part-2.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/21 09:39 by