
Flower-Flames, Part 2

70 English songs from the poetry series “Ten Thousand Flower-Flames”, published on 1988-02-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Someday Perhaps 1 S
The Smile of My Eyes 2 S
My Dream-Eyes 3 S
When I Was a Purity-Heart 4 S
A Quick Death 5 S
I Am Ready to Weep 6 S
Because You Are a Money-Minded Seeker 7 S
If You Can Weather Danger-Clouds 8 S
If My Doubt Is Mighty 9 S
Alongside My Heart’s Secret and Helpless Cry 10 S
The Inimitable Way to God-Realisation 11 S
Today I Am Realising You 12 S
I Was Born to Do Something Really Great 13 S
I Have Buried My Past 14 S
My Heart Is an Eternal Cry 15 S
God’s Grace-Kingdom 16 S
My Heart Is an Unknown Smile 17 S
Beauty Is Beauty 18 S
The Full Weight of My Ignorance-Night 19 S
How Can Fear Torture Me? 20 S
A Breathless Whisper from Afar 21 S
Grace, O Divine Grace 22 S
O My Doubting Mind 23 S
My Lord Has No Time 24 S
To Develop Beauty 25 S
My Eyes Need Renewed Cheerfulness 26 S
Blinding Brightness 27 S
A Desire-Life 28 S
A Battered Bridge 29 S
A Noisy and Hollow Boast 30 S
My Lord, You Are Mercifully Blind 31 S
O My Vital, You Enjoy Dramatic Bliss 32 S
Sorrow I Share 33 S
I Love Everything 34 S
A Candidate 35 S
A Self-Giving Smile 36 S
I Have Started Running 37 S
I Affirm What God Affirms 38 S
My Heart Receives Satisfaction-Seed 39 S
Death Is a Daily, Unavoidable Occurrence 40 S
Everything Is as Important 41 S
The World Has Its Teeming Snares 42 S
Do You Want to Succeed Enormously? 43 S
Money-Power Procures Earth-Facilities 44 S
Man Is an Imperfect God-Instrument 45 S
Do Not Indulge 46 S
The Flight of Your Purity’s Gratitude-Heart 47 S
Indeed, Today You Are Dining 48 S
Sing the Self-Offering Song 49 S
Just Transcend Your Mind 50 S
Every Human Being 51 S
God’s Choice Hour 52 S
Do Not Try to Terminate 53 S
Explore the Beauty of God 54 S
When I Do Something Wrong 55 S
My Heart Knows How to Receive 56 S
One Kind Thought of Mine 57 S
My Goodwill 58 S
My Ignorance-Load 59 S
My Earthly Quest for God-Realisation 60 S
Aspiration Means Self-Development 61 S
I Grow with My Heart-River 62 S
When I Pray to God 63 S
Purity Can Be a Daily Experience 64 S
I Shall Deposit 65 S
If the Entire World Is Challenging Me 66 S
To Practise a Pure Life 67 S
Because He Has 68 S
The Wild Hunger of Possessiveness 69 S
In the Beginning There Was Nothing 70 S

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