
Ami Je Tomai Karechhi Mahat

Composed on Dec. 31st, 1974


Ami je tomai karechhi mahat
  Ta na hale tumi khudra
Mor sadhanai tumi aji man
  Karunar nidhi rudra
Jiban amar tomai diyechhe
  Atmatyager brata
Sabai saman tomar kanane
  Nahi keha abanata


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

It is I who have made you great.
If not, you would have remained
    most insignificant.
It is through my own spiritual discipline,
O my mind, that you have become
The wealth of compassion.
My life has given you
The vow of self-sacrifice.
All are equal in your heart-garden.
The sense of superiority and inferiority
    is abolished.

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