
Amar Chapal Praner Bajare

Composed on Dec. 31st, 1974


Amar chapal praner bajare
Dekhi ami mor hriday rajare
Amar malin manas kanane
Dekhi aji ami jyotir plabane
Lakya bihin jibane amar
Bidhatar banshi baje barebar
Jani ami jani amarar bani
Bahiya chalibe hiya tari khani


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

In the market of my restlessness-life
I see the King of my heart.
In the garden of my impure mind
Today I see a flood of Light.
I see the Flute of my Lord Supreme
Again and again in my goalless life.
I know, I know the message of Heaven
My heart-boat will carry.

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