Niagara Falls Salil Prapat

Composed on Apr. 15th, 1992


Niagara Falls salil prapat
Amarar amarata prashphutita sakhshat
Canadar jagaran Canadar pradipan
Canadar shanti sudha akatare bitaran
Sri Chinmoy Peace Falls paramer barabhoy
Animeshe bidhatar gaha joy dharamoy


Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls,
Heaven’s Immortality fully   and sovereignly blossomed.
Canada is Canada’s God-awakening.
Canada is Canada’s nectar-peace-offering,   Cheerful and measureless.
Sri Chinmoy Peace Falls,
   the Compassion-Light-Descent
   Of the Absolute Supreme,
Sleeplessly sings the Creator’s Victory-Song,Inspiring and elevating the four corners
   of the globe.

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